Episode 016: Creating a functional and fabulous wardrobe with Jennifer Mackey-Mary

Podcast Ep 016 website image.png

When you wake up each morning and take a look in your closet, does it make you feel inspired or grumpy? Being a mom and staying stylish aren't always seen going hand-in-hand, but with help from Jennifer Mackey-Mary of Apple and Pear Wardrobe, we can all learn a thing or two about creating a functional wardrobe full of clothes that uplift our spirits and enhance our best features.

This interview is packed full of good tips and tricks, and Jennifer is a true professional who knows her stuff. You'll want to listen again just to take notes and take it all in. Time to get rid of that 10 year old ratty t-shirt and embrace the season you are in with great pieces for your closet. 


  • How Jennifer got involved in her business and why she is so passionate about helping moms.
  • Why wearing the right bra can change your whole look.
  • How you can begin decluttering your closet to create a functional wardrobe. 



Where you can follow, stalk and be friends with Jennifer:

Instagram: @appleandpearwardrobe
Facebook: facebook.com/appleandpearwardrobe
Facebook Community: www.facebook.com/groups/everydaystylegroup
Freebie: bit.ly/stylekendra

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