Episode 014 : Healthy boundaries at the dinner table and helping your kids eat more veggies with Jen Zils

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For some of us moms, getting your kids to eat vegetable is equivalent to threading a wet noodle through a straw. It just ain't happening. Luckily, Jennifer Zils from Kids Eat Vegetables is here today with some simple, actionable ways we can introduce our children to veggies without the fuss and fighting.

We also have a wonderful discussion about the importance of setting boundaries at the dinner table and how they can become life lessons for everyone in the house. 


  • Why boundaries are really life lessons
  • How she starts setting boundaries at the dinner table by starting in the grocery store.
  • How to set up new boundaries and routines when it comes to bringing about healthy change in your family.
  • Her genius trick for introducing veggies to your kids at the right time (so they won’t whine that they are hungry at bedtime)
  • Some of her favorite healthy snacks that won’t make it hard to feed your kids between meals
  • Setting the example for your kids
  • Jen's go-to tip for getting started and why making the decision to change is a step most parents are missing.


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Where you can follow, stalk and be friends with Jen:

Her website: http://kidseatvegetables.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kidseatvegetables

If you loved this episode, there is more where that came from.

  • Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out. And I would just loooove if you would leave a review and rating. It's a little thing that makes a big difference and helps me to continue to bring on valuable, totally rad guests.
  • Have a topic you want me to cover on the podcast? Submit them to us here. This show is all for you, mama. Let's talk about the things you most want to hear about. 

Episode 013: Simple ways to uncomplicate your to-do lists

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We live abundantly full lives as moms, and sometimes our to-do lists read more like novels than easy-to-follow reminders. I used to be obsessed with list making and even call myself a recovering junkie. The truth is, I used my to-do lists as a way to procrastinate what I actually needed to do.

Rather than continue down the path of too many things, let's uncomplicate our lists and make room for more joy and freedom. This episode is full, but one that I know you can use to help implement less cluttered to-do lists into your life.


  • My struggle with too many lists and why I really loved making to-do lists my entire life.
  • How priorities should be playing a bigger role in the lists you make each day.
  • The backward way that most people create to-do lists and how to fix it.
  • The importance of planning without worrying about the plans.
  • How to audit your time to find the leaks and holes.
  • The role that routines play in to-do lists and how they actually help you simplify yours.


  • The Mother Like a Boss Playground on Facebook.

If you loved this episode as much as I loved sharing it, there is more where that came from.

  • Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out. And I would just loooove if you would leave a review and rating. It's a little thing that makes a big difference and helps me to continue to bring super valuable content and fabulous guests.
  • Have a topic you want me to cover on the podcast? Submit them to us here. This show is all for you, mama. Let's talk about the things you most want to hear about. 

Whether you're looking to create more than just an organized command center for your family, or you're ready to make this year that you finally get your ish together, I've got you covered.

Homemakerish U is my signature modern homemaking course designed for moms, by a mom with program material aimed at helping you design an entire homemaking routine without the perfection. This is the program for modern moms and reluctant homemakers alike. 

Join over 850 other moms who have taken control of their lives and homes by stepping up to become #homemakerish. 

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Episode 012: How I stay on top of laundry, even though I hate it

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Oh laundry. That task that seems never ending. The chore that, the second it is done, turns around and mockingly says, "Just kidding, girl. You ain't done with me." Truthfully, I'm not a big fan of doing laundry, but over the years, I've made an effort to enjoy it (as much as one can enjoy folding clothes over and over every day...) and make it easier to complete.

This episode is all about the hacks and tips that have helped me master my laundry game so I spend less time folding and more time enjoying my life, with clean clothes. 


  • Why I show gratitude for my laundry (and most household chores)
  • The time of day that has proven best for getting my laundry done, and why it works so well.
  • How I've been able to do less laundry as my kids have gotten older (hint: it involves me NOT doing it)


  • You can still sign up for the #justcleanit challenge. We kicked off February 26, but you can jump in now and start where we're at. Click here to sign up for free.

If you loved this episode as much as I loved sharing it, there is more where that came from.

  • Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out. And I would just loooove if you would leave a review and rating. It's a little thing that makes a big difference and helps me to continue to bring super valuable content and fabulous guests.
  • Have a topic you want me to cover on the podcast? Submit them to us here. This show is all for you, mama. Let's talk about the things you most want to hear about. 

Whether you're looking to create more than just an organized command center for your family, or you're ready to make this year that you finally get your ish together, I've got you covered.

Homemakerish U is my signature modern homemaking course designed for moms, by a mom with program material aimed at helping you design an entire homemaking routine without the perfection. This is the program for modern moms and reluctant homemakers alike. 

Join over 850 other moms who have taken control of their lives and homes by stepping up to become #homemakerish. 

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Episode 011: 20 things you can get done in your home while you listen to this podcast

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Have you ever started listening to a podcast and thought, "I could probably use this time to get some stuff done. But, what?" Today, we're going to solve that problem.

Often the biggest hurdle when deciding to jump in and tackle chores in your home is just making the decision to do so. In this episode, I'm giving you 20 things you can do in your house while you listen to this (or any) podcast episode. Momentum is key and sometimes all we need that little push.


  • A list of the places you can set your mind to cleaning, decluttering and organizing while you listen to a 30 minute(ish) podcast.
  • Why most people neglect these areas (it's not because they are difficult)
  • Details about my newest free challenge designed specifically with mamas in mind and how you can sign up.


  • The #justcleanit challenge, kicking off February 26, 2018. Click here to sign up for free.

If you loved this episode as much as I loved sharing it, there is more where that came from.

  • Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out. And I would just loooove if you would leave a review and rating. It's a little thing that makes a big difference and helps me to continue to bring super valuable content and fabulous guests.
  • Have a topic you want me to cover on the podcast? Submit them to us here. This show is all for you, mama. Let's talk about the things you most want to hear about. 

Whether you're looking to create more than just an organized command center for your family, or you're ready to make this year that you finally get your ish together, I've got you covered.

Homemakerish U is my signature modern homemaking course designed for moms, by a mom with program material aimed at helping you design an entire homemaking routine without the perfection. This is the program for modern moms and reluctant homemakers alike. 

Join over 850 other moms who have taken control of their lives and homes by stepping up to become #homemakerish. 

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Episode 010: Achieving abundance through budgets with Sami Womack

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Budgets. Does that word feel gratifying or does it bring up dread? Sami Womack from A Sunny Side Up Life is here today with an excellent perspective on how to live an abundant, joy-filled life through budgets and smart financial decisions. She has a passion for teaching moms how to live a more free and positive life, and how to look at their finances through new eyes, even when it seems daunting.

This is a refreshing episode about the power of focusing on what matters and changing your money and budget mindset from what you're having to give up to what you're gaining. 


  • Sami's journey to abundance through better financial decisions.
  • Her "rock bottom" and how it mirrors that of so many other moms.
  • How "giving things up" can mean gaining more in the long run.
  • How she and her husband set life and financial goals and how they are able to achieve them regularly
  • The importance of tracking your money (what comes in and what goes out)
  • How budgets can be freeing, not stifling. 
  • What it really means to have an abundant mindset around money.


  • Sami's signature course Your Sunny Money Method. She has generously given $10 off to all listeners through this link. (Please note that this link is an affiliate link. That means if you purchase, I may receive monetary compensation at no extra cost to you.)
  • The #justclean challenge kicking off February 26. Join for free here.
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If you loved this episode as much as I loved sharing it, there is more where that came from.

  • Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out. And I would just loooove if you would leave a review and rating. It's a little thing that makes a big difference and helps me to continue to bring on valuable, totally rad guests.
  • Have a topic you want me to cover on the podcast? Submit them to us here. This show is all for you, mama. Let's talk about the things you most want to hear about. 

Episode 009: How I'm raising kids who help around the house

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I decided a long time ago (well, when I started having kids, really) that I wouldn’t be the only one in the house cleaning, doing laundry to tidying up. I wanted to create a community in our home, one where everyone does there part based on what they are capable of. This is exactly what we’ve done and with an 11 and 5 year old, I am able to step back and let them help.

Not only does creating cleaning routines and chores for your children take the load off of the parents, it’s a learning experience for them as well. I’m a big believer in creating responsible little humans who understand that their messes are their responsibility, and that when we all work together, things get done faster. It isn’t always easy, but I’m going to share some of my best tips for raising kids who help around the house (without you having to nag nag nag)


  • Why I am so adamant that my children grow up with cleaning routines.

  • Why we choose routines over chore charts

  • Why I don’t stress about how many “chores” each child has

  • How I have been able to teach them rather that tell them

  • Why helping around the house is a non-negotiable for everyone

  • My thoughts on chores as a consequence (hint: I don’t believe they should be)


If you loved this episode as much as I loved sharing it, there is more where that came from.

  • Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out. And I would just loooove if you would leave a review and rating. It's a little thing that makes a big difference and helps me to continue to bring super valuable content and fabulous guests.
  • Have a topic you want me to cover on the podcast? Submit them to us here. This show is all for you, mama. Let's talk about the things you most want to hear about. 

Whether you're looking to create more than just an organized command center for your family, or you're ready to make this year that you finally get your ish together, I've got you covered.

Homemakerish U is my signature modern homemaking course designed for moms, by a mom with program material aimed at helping you design an entire homemaking routine without the perfection. This is the program for modern moms and reluctant homemakers alike. 

Join over 850 other moms who have taken control of their lives and homes by stepping up to become #homemakerish. 

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Episode 008: When you're not the mom who makes cute Valentine's crafts

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We can't all be the moms that take the time to make intricate Valentine's crafts, or decorate our house to the nines for St Patrick's Day. But for those that do spend the time focusing on those tasks, we salute you. This episode is all about embracing the kind of mom you are, and forgetting the overpowering obligation to be all things to all people. 

I am passionate about this subject and brought this episode to you as a way to remind you that you are allowed to be the kind of mom you want to be without the pressures from social media, society, your family or even yourself.


  • What I have discovered about myself and why I am not the mom who enjoys crafts.
  • The importance of embracing the kind of mom you are and celebrating it.
  • How we can stop the cycle of "mom shaming" by releasing the need to be everything and enjoying the differences in one another.


If you loved this episode as much as I loved sharing it, there is more where that came from.

  • Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out. And I would just loooove if you would leave a review and rating. It's a little thing that makes a big difference and helps me to continue to bring super valuable content and fabulous guests.
  • Have a topic you want me to cover on the podcast? Submit them to us here. This show is all for you, mama. Let's talk about the things you most want to hear about. 

Whether you're looking to create more than just an organized command center for your family, or you're ready to make this year that you finally get your ish together, I've got you covered.

Homemakerish U is my signature modern homemaking course designed for moms, by a mom with program material aimed at helping you design an entire homemaking routine without the perfection. This is the program for modern moms and reluctant homemakers alike. 

Join over 850 other moms who have taken control of their lives and homes by stepping up to become #homemakerish. 

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Episode 007: Prepping your home and family for vacation

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Ok, so you've planned you dream family vacation. The flights are booked, the hotel is set, and you're more excited than ever to relax for a week. Now what?

Being a mom means that there is more to taking a vacation than just booking the flights and hotels, it means packing, prepping and planning at home before you ever leave the house. In this episode, I'm talking about how to prep you home and family for your vacation, so you can enjoy it with less stress. No one wants to walk in the door after a relaxing week away only to realize they never finished putting away the mound of laundry or cleaned up the dirty dishes. Let's make vacation prep easier with some of my best tips and strategies for getting your home and family in shape to leave...and relax!


  • How early you should start prepping your family for vacation and what you can do to start.
  • The beauty of the "brain dump" and how it keeps you from forgetting the small tasks you need to complete before vacation.
  • Why I love to clean my house before vacation and how you can do the same.
  • Ways to incentivize your kids to help you prep, clean and pack before leaving.
  • Why procrastination and bad habits will keep you on the fast track to chaos before your vacation even begins.


If you loved this episode as much as I loved sharing it, there is more where that came from.

  • Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out. And I would just loooove if you would leave a review and rating. It's a little thing that makes a big difference and helps me to continue to bring super valuable content and fabulous guests.
  • Have a topic you want me to cover on the podcast? Submit them to us here. This show is all for you, mama. Let's talk about the things you most want to hear about. 

Whether you're looking to create more than just an organized command center for your family, or you're ready to make this year that you finally get your ish together, I've got you covered.

Homemakerish U is my signature modern homemaking course designed for moms, by a mom with program material aimed at helping you design an entire homemaking routine without the perfection. This is the program for modern moms and reluctant homemakers alike. 

Join over 850 other moms who have taken control of their lives and homes by stepping up to become #homemakerish. 

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